Chris Kubasik in his wonderful blog called Classic Traveller: Out of the Box, has brought Traveller back to its beginnings, as a simple but flexible set of three ‘Little Black Books’ that can be used to create stories in the sci-fi setting of your own imagination. This is how Traveller was first meant to be played, and I’ve spent several days doing just that, creating my own Traveller universe based on what is in those three rulebooks.
This setting has been inspired by many modern images of a Soviet space-future, and also to the look and feel of classic old-style Soviet movies like The Sky Beckons (Nebo Zovyot, 1959), A Dream Come True (Mechte Navstrechu, 1963) and The Planet of Storms (Planeta Bur, 1962). All of these movies are currently available to view on You Tube (28-08-2019). Sure, many of the old Soviet sci-fi films are low-budget and were never considered classics (although both of Tarkovsky’s movies Stalker and Solaris, are today recognized as definitive movie milestones). But it is the look of the movies, and the tone that KOSMOS 68 tries to emulate. KOSMOS 68 can be played with Classic Traveller (the LBBs) or The Traveller Book. Additional Traveller Supplements 1, 2, 4 and 6 might also be useful, these are: 1001 Characters, Animal Encounters, Citizens of the Imperium and 76 Patrons. You will find Zozer Games’ solitaire book SOLO invaluable, too. |
Chris Kubasik in his wonderful blog called Classic Traveller: Out of the Box, has brought Traveller back to its beginnings, as a simple but flexible set of three ‘Little Black Books’ that can be used to create stories in the sci-fi setting of your own imagination.
OUTWORLD is a short and simple setting, inspired by the movies Alien, Aliens, Outland and Silent Running (amongst others) and it uses only the tools and rules of Traveller Books 1, 2 and 3 to help build a rough facsimile of those movies. The setting is entirely original, and not connected to the settings of Ridley Scott’s Alien or Blade Runner movies, but it is inspired by his films, by the others in my list above and by later movies (the Alien sequels for a start). It is not connected to my game HOSTILE, either. In the spirit of Chris Kubasik’s Traveller blog, let’s stick to the rules as written if we can, and keep our game setting small, manageable and bursting with adventure opportunities. |
For a REAL old-school feel, how about these cool Outworld ASCII subsector maps created by the talented Omer Golan!
Project Corriente
This is a campaign premise for the crew of a free or far trader starting out in the Autonomous Region of the Outworld Authority. A ship is even provided! ![]()
The Outworld Authority is my Classic Traveller setting called OUTWORLD, but reformatted for an A5 printing. Included with the PDF file are a front and back cover.
This booklet is a free solo roleplaying campaign for Traveller. Set within the Neutral Zone of the Spinward Marches between the Imperium and Zhodani Consulate , it chronicles the adventures of a husband and wife team of naval veterans. They must track down and expose a rogue naval commander who is operating totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct, and must pretend to be free traders whilst searching for leads and rumors.
If they do track down the rogue admiral, they may not find what they expect! The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises, Copyright 1977 - 2018 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fan creations for Traveller, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future Enterprises is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. This scenario is for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. ![]()
Mertactor Starlines: Travel BrochureTravel across District 268 with the most efficient and safest starline available! Mertactor Starlines operates out of Mertactor, the last imperial world before travellers jump off into the wildlands of District 268. You can't do better! Get a sneak peek inside one of Mertactor Starline's premier far liners! Look at menus, look inside the passenger lounges and review the events calender. Finally, take a look at just where your cabin is situated!
MERCATORA complete 56 page rules conversion of the Classic Traveller rules-set, turning it from interstellar trade to trade in the Roman Empire! New career tables allow you to roll up centurions from Rome, thieves from Antioch and even tribunes from Caesarea! Of course there are rules for ancient trade, for sailing and weather and also for encounters and equipment in the Roman Empire. Trade in Aramis for Alexandria, Efate for Ephesus and Kinorb for Corinth!
Here is my own Classic Traveller Rules Companion with minor tweaks to the rules to speed play, along with my fast-play vehicle damage rule and a fast-play space combat rule that involves a handful of player character task rolls and that's it. There's also a couple of notes on skills and skill selection. Everything's done to speed things up even more.... it won't be to everyone's taste, but it tries to change as little as possible, whilst retaining the free-wheeling spirit of Classic Traveller.

rules-companion-classic_traveller.pdf |
My own solo rules for playing Classic Traveller. It involves some worldbuilding, but also the creation of a group of player characters that meet patrons and take on missions. It is set out as a procedure that is followed step by step, alternating between an episode of worldbuilding and episodes of character-driven play. Suitable for long term play!

playing-solo-classic-traveller.pdf |
Traveller Book 5 has a wonderful system for creating a 'lifepath' for naval characters. It is a game in itself. and easily adapted to the Star Trek universe. The advantage of setting High Guard's character generation system in Starfleet is that the players can picture ships, staterooms, uniforms, ranks even the academy itself.

uss_high_guard.pdf |

ship_encounter_tables.pdf |

uniforms_of_the_third_imperium.pdf |
I built a naval fleet just using the Book 2 rules. The individual ships contain art found on the internet. I do not own it.
The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2010 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.