A scenario for Cepheus Engine and HOSTILE.
Hot Zone – that’s the crew’s name for LS809, a burning hell-hole orbiting Gliese 9028. It’s where they need to be, the location of a missing hyperspace probe. Acting strangely, whilst plotting new hyperspace co-ordinates, the probe has crashed-landed on the Hot Zone. Now the ICO want it back - quickly … and quietly. But the planet won’t let them take the prize so easily. This is a truly ‘hostile’ world with some terrifying and dangerous obstacles to overcome. And … something else… wants the probe. 27 pages, PDF via DriveThruRPG REVIEWS
Customer (Name With-held): Just grabbed my copy today. Loving the adventure. As an rpg writer, I really appreciate Zozer Games attention to detail and ability to capture the look and feel of 80's scifi. Absolutely recommend this scenario and strongly suggest that you check out Hostile and Zaibatsu if you haven't had the pleasure. Read HERE.